PowerMTA is an email server software used for sending high volume and transactional email. It is designed to handle large amounts of email traffic and has features such as advanced delivery controls, real-time monitoring and reporting, and support for multiple virtual MTA configurations. PowerMTA is commonly used by email service providers, e-commerce companies, and other businesses that need to send a large number of emails on a regular basis.
PowerMTA can be installed standalone as well as along with web hosting control panels like cPanel, CyberPanel, Plesk, Webmin/Virtualmin, VestaCP etc. There is an advantage to install PowerMTA with any of web hosting control panel because it automatically generates mx, spf and dkim records which we have to do manually in case of standalone plus powermata is just a mail transfer agent, to receive emails we also need an email client which supports outgoing emails like roundcube, thunderbird which comes pre-installed with these control panels or one click install option available inside those panels.
So it’s better to install PowerMTA with any web hosting control panel. It’s because we are learning through this article that how we can install powermata directly from our terminal without any control panel. That’s why we will only install and configure PowerMTA standalone.
1. A Domain Name: It’s good if you already have but it’s very good if you yet to purchase because Namecheap is providing up to 84% off on all domain extensions, click here to avail the offer.
2. VPS w/ Open Port No 25: Because of some VPS providers don’t want their server to be used for email marketing or bulk mailing, those providers by default set port number 25 disable because they don’t want their IPs to get blacklisted. So whatever provider you choose, make sure port number 25 has enabled in your server.
Click here to claim $150 credits on Vultr
Click here to claim $100 credits on DigitalOcean
Click here to claim $100 credits on Linode
Click here to claim €20 credits on Hetzner
3. PowerMTA: PMTA RPM file and license file required, click here to download.
Deploy Server
You can choose any small droplet or instance like $6/month would be also fine to follow this tutorial but still it’s up to you like you better know your usage and can choose the specifications accordingly. Just keep in mind that this tutorial is for centos 7 so make sure to choose the same operating system. In hostname, make sure the format like this; subdomain.yourdomain.com
Access Server
For connecting to your server from a Windows system, you will require an SSH client. One popular option for this is Putty, which offers a user-friendly interface and easy connectivity options.
Check Port 25
Install telnet by running this command:
yum install telnet -y
Check Port Number 25 by running this command:
telnet smtp.gmail.com 25
If not showing “Connected to smtp.gmail.com” that means port 25 has blocked and you can’t proceed with this server.
To exit from telnet, run:
Update System Packages
Run this command to update system packages of your server:
yum update -y
Install UNZIP
Run this command to install unzip:
yum install unzip -y
Install PowerMTA
We’re going to install pmta with control panel, which means for uploading a file we need either FileZilla or WinSCP. After installing any of these, connect using your SERVER_IP, USERNAME, PASSWORD and make sure to connect with Port 22.
After connecting, upload pmta.zip inside your root directory.
Now from your terminal, make sure that the file is actually exist:
Extract pmta.zip by running this command:
unzip pmta.zip
Change directory from root to pmta:
cd pmta/
and run this installer file:
sh install.sh
It will take 10-12 minutes to install(depending upon your server configuration). In the meantime, let’s update DNS records.
Connect Domain
Login to your domain registrar and add A record for your subdomain
Type: A | Name: subdomain_name | Value: your_server_ip | TTL: Auto
Configure PowerMTA
Install nano editor by running this command:
yum install nano -y
Open config file inside /etc/pmta by running this command:
nano /etc/pmta/config
Search for the following line:
smtp-listener # listens on all local IPs
and change it to something like this:
smtp-listener # listens on all local IPs
And after the following line http-mgmt-port 8080, add this directive:
http-access 0/0 admin
Change this from:
http-access 0/0 admin
http-access your_server_ip admin
Restart PowerMTA
Restart pmta service by running this command:
service pmta restart
Restart pmtahttp service by running this command:
service pmtahttp restart
Launch PowerMTA
Open your browser, and go to your_server_ip:8080
PowerMTA has been installed but it won’t work because we have not configured it properly. To configure it properly, first copy the code below:
postmaster mail@yourdomain.com #smtp-port 2525 smtp-listener your_server_ip:2525 <source 0/0> log-connections yes log-commands yes # WARNING: verbose! allow-unencrypted-plain-auth yes </source> sync-msg-create false sync-msg-update false run-as-root no log-file /var/log/pmta/log # logrotate is used for rotation <acct-file /var/log/pmta/acct.csv> # move-to /opt/myapp/pmta-acct # configure as fit for your application # move-interval 5m max-size 50M </acct-file> # transient errors (soft bounces) <acct-file /var/log/pmta/diag.csv> move-interval 1d delete-after never records t </acct-file> # # spool directories # spool /var/spool/pmta http-mgmt-port 8080 http-access admin http-access 0/0 monitor #<spool /var/spool/pmta> #</spool> <smtp-user adminjkm> password dlogicsjkm source {pmta-auth} </smtp-user> <source {pmta-auth}> smtp-service yes always-allow-relaying yes require-auth true process-x-virtual-mta yes default-virtual-mta pmta-pool remove-received-headers true add-received-header false hide-message-source true </source> #BEGIN VIRTUAL MTAS <virtual-mta pmta-vmta0> smtp-source-host your_server_ip subdomain.yourdomain.com domain-key dkim,*,/home/admin/conf/mail/yourdomain.com/dkim.pem domain-key default,*,/var/cpanel/domain_keys/private/yourdomain.com <domain *> max-cold-virtual-mta-msg 400/day max-msg-rate 1000/h </domain> </virtual-mta> #END VIRTUAL MTAS <virtual-mta-pool pmta-pool> virtual-mta pmta-vmta0 </virtual-mta-pool> <source> always-allow-api-submission yes add-message-id-header yes retain-x-job yes retain-x-virtual-mta yes verp-default yes process-x-envid yes process-x-job yes jobid-header X-Mailer-RecptId process-x-virtual-mta yes </source> <domain yourdomain.com> route []:2525 </domain> #N: ISP rules ############################################################################ # domains that resolve to mx?.hotmail.com domain-macro hotmail hotmail.com,msn.com,hotmail.co.uk,hotmail.fr,live.com,hotmail.it,hotmail.de,email.msn.com,email.hotmail.com,email.msn.com,hotmail.com,live.com,msn.com,webtv.com,webtv.net <domain $hotmail> max-smtp-out 1 # prevent "exceeded the connection limit" max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # domains that resolve to ?.mx.mail.yahoo.com domain-macro yahoo yahoo.com,yahoo.ca,rocketmail.com,ymail.com,yahoo.com.au,geocities.com,yahoo.com.mx,yahoo.com.br,altavista.com,ameritech.net,att.net,bellsouth.net,attbroadband.com,attcanada.net,attglobal.com,attglobal.net,attnet.com,attworldnet.com,bellatlantic.net,bellatlantic.net,bellsouth.com,bellsouth.net,flash.net,netzero.net,nvbell.net,pacbell.net,prodigy.com,prodigy.net,sbcglobal.net,sbcglobal.net,snet.net,swbell.com,swbell.net,toast.net,usa.net,verizon.com,verizon.net,verizonmail.com,vzwpix.com,wans.net,worldnet.att.net,yahoo.net <domain $yahoo> max-msg-per-connection 2 # yahoo policy max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # domains that resolve to mailin-0?.mx.aol.com domain-macro aol aol.com,aim.com,aim.net,cs.com,netscape.com,wmconnect.net,netscape.net,cs.com,mail.com,wmconnect.com,icqmail.com,email.com,usa.com <domain $aol> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # domains that resolve to (alt?.)gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com domain-macro gmail gmail.com,googlemail.com <domain $gmail> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # http://feedback.comcast.net/ <domain comcast.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Ameritrade, Amitrade <domain tdameritrade.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Ameritrade, Amitrade <domain ameritrade.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain charterinternet.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain comcast.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain comcast.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain comcastwork.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain cox.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain cox.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain coxinternet.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain cox-internet.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain suddenlink.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Broadband <domain windjammer.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain centurylink.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain centurylink.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain centurytel.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain centurytel.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain cswnet.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain emadisonriver.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain emadisonriver.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain embarq.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain embarq.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain embarqmail.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain grics.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain gulftel.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain mebtel.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain qwest.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain uswest.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain uswest.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain swestmail.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Century Link <domain uswestmail.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Cincinnati Bell <domain fuse.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Cincinnati Bell <domain fuse.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Cincinnati Bell <domain zoomnet.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Cincinnati Bell <domain zoomtown.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Cincinnati Bell <domain zoomtown.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Earthlink <domain earthlink.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Earthlink <domain earthlink.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Earthlink <domain mindspring.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Earthlink <domain netcom.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Godaddy <domain Inbox.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Godaddy <domain outblaze.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Iwon <domain excite.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Iwon <domain iwon.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Lycos <domain angelfire.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Lycos <domain lycos.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Lycos <domain lycosmail.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Lycos <domain mailcity.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Sprint <domain sprintpcs.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Time Warner <domain rr.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Time Warner <domain adelphia.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Time Warner <domain adelphia.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Time Warner <domain insightbb.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Time Warner <domain roadrunner.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Time Warner <domain roadrunner.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # Tmobile <domain tmomail.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # United Internet <domain gmx.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # United Internet <domain mail.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # United Online <domain juno.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # United Online <domain netzero.com> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # United Online <domain unitedonline.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> # United XO <domain concentric.net> max-msg-rate 250/h # prevent "exceeded the rate limit" </domain> <domain *> use-starttls yes require-starttls no </domain> ############################################################################ # BEGIN: BACKOFF RULES #<pattern-list myList> #mail-from /admin@nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta19 #header from /admin@nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta19 #mail-from /admin@mx2.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta3 #header from /admin@mx2.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta3 #mail-from /admin@mx3.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta4 #header from /admin@mx3.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta4 #mail-from /admin@mx4.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta5 #header from /admin@mx4.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta5 #mail-from /admin@mx5.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta6 #header from /admin@mx5.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta6 #mail-from /admin@mx6.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta7 #header from /admin@mx6.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta7 #mail-from /admin@mx5.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta8 #header from /admin@mx5.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta8 #mail-from /admin@mx4.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta9 #header from /admin@mx4.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta9 #mail-from /admin@mx3.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta10 #header from /admin@mx3.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta10 #mail-from /admin@mx2.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta11 #header from /admin@mx2.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta11 #mail-from /admin@mx1.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta12 #header from /admin@mx1.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta12 #mail-from /admin@mx5.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta13 #header from /admin@mx5.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta13 #mail-from /admin@mx4.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta14 #header from /admin@mx4.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta14 #mail-from /admin@mx3.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta15 #header from /admin@mx3.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta15 #mail-from /admin@mx2.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta16 #header from /admin@mx2.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta16 #mail-from /admin@mx1.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta17 #header from /admin@mx1.nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta17 #mail-from /admin@nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta18 #header from /admin@nicholashillnews.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta18 #mail-from /admin@nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta1 #header from /admin@nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta1 #mail-from /admin@mx1.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta2 #header from /admin@mx1.nicholashill.eu/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta2 #</pattern-list> #<source> #pattern-list myList # this selects the pattern list for messages #always-allow-relaying yes #</source> #<pattern-list myList> #header from /admin@mx3.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta10 #mail-from /admin@mx3.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta10 #header from /admin@mx4.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta9 #mail-from /admin@mx4.nicholashillmail.com/ virtual-mta=pmta-vmta9 #</pattern-list> #<source> #pattern-list myList # this selects the pattern list for messages #</source> # default domain settings <domain *> max-smtp-out 2 # default be nice on concurrent connections max-msg-per-connection 100 # max 500 mails in one session max-errors-per-connection 10 # avoid 'too long without data command' error max-msg-rate 1000/h smtp-greeting-timeout 5m bounce-upon-no-mx yes # proper mail domains should have mx assume-delivery-upon-data-termination-timeout yes # avoid duplicate deliveries retry-after 10m # typical greylisting period bounce-after 24h # default 4d12h smtp-pattern-list blocking-errors backoff-max-msg-rate 1/m # send only regular tries during backoff (default unlimited) backoff-retry-after 20m # retry at least every 20m (default 1h) backoff-notify "" # disable backoff notifications backoff-to-normal-after-delivery yes # revert to normal asap (default no) backoff-to-normal-after 1h # always revert to normal after 1h (default never) dkim-sign yes ignore-8bitmime true use-starttls yes </domain> ############################################################################ # END: ISP rules ############################################################################ ############################################################################ <smtp-pattern-list common-errors> reply /generating high volumes of.* complaints from AOL/ mode=backoff reply /Excessive unknown recipients - possible Open Relay/ mode=backoff reply /^421 .* too many errors/ mode=backoff reply /blocked.*spamhaus/ mode=backoff reply /451 Rejected/ mode=backoff </smtp-pattern-list> <smtp-pattern-list blocking-errors> # # A QUEUE IN BACKOFF MODE WILL SEND MORE SLOWLY # To place a queue back into normal mode, a command similar # to one of the following will need to be run: # pmta set queue --mode=normal yahoo.com # or # pmta set queue --mode=normal yahoo.com/vmta1 # # To use backoff mode, uncomment individual <domain> directives # #AOL Errors reply /421 .* SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE/ mode=backoff reply /generating high volumes of.* complaints from AOL/ mode=backoff reply /554 .*aol.com/ mode=backoff reply /421dynt1/ mode=backoff reply /HVU:B1/ mode=backoff reply /DNS:NR/ mode=backoff reply /RLY:NW/ mode=backoff reply /DYN:T1/ mode=backoff reply /RLY:BD/ mode=backoff reply /RLY:CH2/ mode=backoff # #Yahoo Errors reply /421 .* Please try again later/ mode=backoff reply /421 Message temporarily deferred/ mode=backoff reply /VS3-IP5 Excessive unknown recipients/ mode=backoff reply /VSS-IP Excessive unknown recipients/ mode=backoff # # The following 4 Yahoo errors may be very common # Using them may result in high use of backoff mode # reply /\[GL01\] Message from/ mode=backoff reply /\[TS01\] Messages from/ mode=backoff reply /\[TS02\] Messages from/ mode=backoff reply /\[TS03\] All messages from/ mode=backoff # #Hotmail Errors reply /exceeded the rate limit/ mode=backoff reply /exceeded the connection limit/ mode=backoff reply /Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons/ mode=backoff reply /mail.live.com\/mail\/troubleshooting.aspx/ mode=backoff # #Adelphia Errors reply /421 Message Rejected/ mode=backoff reply /Client host rejected/ mode=backoff reply /blocked using UCEProtect/ mode=backoff # #Road Runner Errors reply /Mail Refused/ mode=backoff reply /421 Exceeded allowable connection time/ mode=backoff reply /amIBlockedByRR/ mode=backoff reply /block-lookup/ mode=backoff reply /Too many concurrent connections from source IP/ mode=backoff # #General Errors reply /too many/ mode=backoff reply /Exceeded allowable connection time/ mode=backoff reply /Connection rate limit exceeded/ mode=backoff reply /refused your connection/ mode=backoff reply /try again later/ mode=backoff reply /try later/ mode=backoff reply /550 RBL/ mode=backoff reply /TDC internal RBL/ mode=backoff reply /connection refused/ mode=backoff reply /please see www.spamhaus.org/ mode=backoff reply /Message Rejected/ mode=backoff reply /refused by antispam/ mode=backoff reply /Service not available/ mode=backoff reply /currently blocked/ mode=backoff reply /locally blacklisted/ mode=backoff reply /not currently accepting mail from your ip/ mode=backoff reply /421.*closing connection/ mode=backoff reply /421.*Lost connection/ mode=backoff reply /476 connections from your host are denied/ mode=backoff reply /421 Connection cannot be established/ mode=backoff reply /421 temporary envelope failure/ mode=backoff reply /421 4.4.2 Timeout while waiting for command/ mode=backoff reply /450 Requested action aborted/ mode=backoff reply /550 Access denied/ mode=backoff reply /exceeded the rate limit/ mode=backoff # hotmail rate limit reply /421rlynw/ mode=backoff # aol rate limit reply /permanently deferred/ mode=backoff # yahoo reply /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ blocked/ mode=backoff # at&t, cox reply /generating high volumes of.* complaints from AOL/ mode=backoff reply /Excessive unknown recipients - possible Open Relay/ mode=backoff reply /^421 .* too many errors/ mode=backoff reply /blocked.*spamhaus/ mode=backoff reply /451 Rejected/ mode=backoff </smtp-pattern-list> ############################################################################ # END: BACKOFF RULES ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # BEGIN: BOUNCE RULES ############################################################################ <bounce-category-patterns> /spam/ spam-related /junk mail/ spam-related /blacklist/ spam-related /blocked/ spam-related /\bU\.?C\.?E\.?\b/ spam-related /\bAdv(ertisements?)?\b/ spam-related /unsolicited/ spam-related /\b(open)?RBL\b/ spam-related /realtime blackhole/ spam-related /http:\/\/basic.wirehub.nl\/blackholes.html/ spam-related /\bvirus\b/ virus-related /message +content/ content-related /content +rejected/ content-related /quota/ quota-issues /limit exceeded/ quota-issues /mailbox +(is +)?full/ quota-issues /sender ((verify|verification) failed|could not be verified|address rejected|domain must exist)/ invalid-sender /unable to verify sender/ invalid-sender /requires valid sender domain/ invalid-sender /bad sender's system address/ invalid-sender /No MX for envelope sender domain/ invalid-sender /^[45]\.4\.4/ routing-errors /no mail hosts for domain/ invalid-sender /Your domain has no(t)? DNS\/MX entries/ invalid-sender /REQUESTED ACTION NOT TAKEN: DNS FAILURE/ invalid-sender /Domain of sender address/ invalid-sender /return MX does not exist/ invalid-sender /Invalid sender domain/ invalid-sender /Verification failed/ invalid-sender /\bstorage\b/ quota-issues /(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee) (has|has been|is)? *(currently|temporarily+)?(disabled|expired|inactive|not activated) / inactive-mailbox /(conta|usu.rio) inativ(a|o) / inactive-mailbox /Too many (bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable) (user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee)/other /(No such|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable) (local +)?(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee) / bad-mailbox /(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee) +(\S+@\S+ +)?(not (a +)?valid|not known|not here|not found|does not exist|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-mailbox /\S+@\S+ +(is +)?(not (a +)?valid|not known|not here|not found|does not exist|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-mailbox /no mailbox here by that name/ bad-mailbox /my badrcptto list/ bad-mailbox /not our customer/ bad-mailbox /no longer (valid|available)/ bad-mailbox /have a \S+ account/ bad-mailbox /\brelay(ing)?/ relaying-issues /domain (retired|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-domain /domain no longer in use/ bad-domain /domain (\S+ +)?(is +)?obsolete/ bad-domain /denied/ policy-related /prohibit/ policy-related /refused/ policy-related /allowed/ policy-related /banned/ policy-related /policy/ policy-related /suspicious activity/ policy-related /bad sequence/ protocol-errors /syntax error/ protocol-errors /\broute\b/ routing-errors /\bunroutable\b/ routing-errors /\bunrouteable\b/ routing-errors #additions by krish /Recipient address rejected/ invalid-mailbox /DYN:T1/ ploicy-related /Service unavailable/ ploicy-related /DNSBL/ spam-related /ccount has been disabled or discontinued/ bad-mailbox /oo many recip/ policy-related /no valid recipie/ invalid-mailbox /Account Inactive/ invalid-mailbox /service provider since part of their network is on our block list/ spam-related /Invalid 7bit DATA/ content-related /^2.\d+.\d+;/ success /^[45]\.1\.[1346];/ bad-mailbox /^[45]\.1\.2/ bad-domain /^[45]\.1\.[78];/ invalid-sender /^[45]\.2\.0;/ bad-mailbox /^[45]\.2\.1;/ inactive-mailbox /^[45]\.2\.2;/ quota-issues /^[45]\.3\.3;/ content-related /^[45]\.3\.5;/ bad-configuration /^[45]\.4\.1;/ no-answer-from-host /^[45]\.4\.2;/ bad-connection /^[45]\.4\.[36];/ routing-errors /^[45]\.4\.7;/ message-expired /^[45]\.5\.3;/ policy-related /^[45]\.5\.\d+;/ protocol-errors /^[45]\.6\.\d+;/ content-related /^[45]\.7\.[012];/ policy-related /^[45]\.7\.7;/ content-related // other # catch-all </bounce-category-patterns>
Now in your PowerMTA Monitoring Console, click edit configuration file and replace all the written code with this code.
*replace yourdomain.com with your domain name, similarly your_server_ip with your IP address.
and save
Restart PowerMTA
Restart pmta service by running this command:
service pmta restart
Restart pmtahttp service by running this command:
service pmtahttp restart
Test Connection
It’s time to test our PowerMTA and for this we must need SMTP credentials. For this I’m using two platforms; SMTPer.net for testing our smtp connection and Mail-tester.com to check the spam score.
1. Hostname/IP you can find from here:
smtp-source-host your_server_ip subdomain.yourdomain.com
2. Username and Password find from here(you can change):
<smtp-user adminjkm> password dlogicsjkm source {pmta-auth} </smtp-user>
3. Port Number: 2525
smtp-listener your_server_ip:2525
4. From email: mail@yourdomain.com
postmaster mail@yourdomain.com
Improve Spam Score
Right now what we did is we have just connected our domain with PowerMTA SMTP and as I told you in the beginning if we are installing PowerMTA without control panel so then we have to generate and configure all domain verification records by ourselves.
1. To setup MX record:
Type: MX | Name: @ | Value: mail.yourdomain.com | Priority: 10 | TTL: Auto
2. To setup SPF record:
Type: TXT | Name: @ | Value: v=spf1 a mx a:yourdomain.com ip4:your_IPv4 ~all | TTL: Auto
3. To setup DMARC:
Type: TXT | Name: _dmarc | Value: v=DMARC1; p=none | TTL: Auto
*again don’t forget to replace yourdomain.com with your domain and your_ip with your IP address everywhere.
Check Again
Improved but not 10 out of 10 as it is obvious we didn’t install SSL yet we didn’t add DKIM and most importantly we have checked immediately after updating records and as we all know DNS records take some time to propagate. But still this article is all about install and setting up PowerMTA standalone. You will find another tutorial soon on this website and channel about installing PowerMTA with any control panel and then we will make it 10/10 mailtester score. But for now, that’s all for this article.
Hello bro telegram: juan_barinski
How to Install & Setup PowerMTA SMTP Server on CentOS 7 – TECHNICAL SAHIL
kkgyxzeo http://www.g5s5l0s3xsywd5260v9501n14nn43smbs.org/
How to Install & Setup PowerMTA SMTP Server on CentOS 7 – TECHNICAL SAHIL
hccdnvxdss http://www.gb145q19at6ew82slcc11umkb660665as.org/
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